Set up Crunch in a few easy steps

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View and manage your accounts, cards, loans, and more in a single dashboard to take back control

Other Tips to get you started

Is it safe to provide my bank credentials to connect my account?

Crunch uses 3rd party providers regulated by the authorities and having very strict compliance and certification requirements such as ISO & GDPR. Once you select your bank, a new webpage opens that is not accessible to Crunch and is fully controlled by such 3rd parties to ensure your credentials are never seen, accessed, or stored.

The categories set by Crunch are not always accurate - what can I do?

Crunch's Auto-categorization feature is 95% accurate. However, with Crunch's machine learning algorithm, the more you recategorize transactions to your preference, the more the model learns. It only takes a few times and a couple of clicks before you no longer have to worry about categorization.

I transferred money from Account A to Account B, but Crunch detects it as an Expense or an Income - help?

Crunch will automatically detect transfers you make from accounts already connected to the app so you don't have to worry about it. If your transfer is to an account not connected to Crunch, you can simply edit the transaction and change it to a transfer type to keep your finances in check.

How can I add a category that I don't see in the categories' list?

Crunch's categories and subcategories are fully customizable. You can choose to see categories only or dive into more detail and look at subcategories; you can also add, remove, modify, and rename categories and subcategories to suit your needs

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